Monday, November 7, 2011

New Blog, Same Awesome Content

Just wanted anyone that may be still looking at this blog to know that I have stopped posting here and have moved to a new space. My new and improved personal/tech blog can be found here at

I realize this is a little bit late, as I haven't posted on this blog in a while but there it is. So check out the new blog and enjoy my crazy thoughts. Let's see if this will be the last time I retire my Blogger blog or not. :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 17: 9/14/2011 | The Blog Blender

So here is the revelation of today: I can't keep up with more than one blog. Heck, I can barely keep up with one at a time. And I feel really bad about it. I've started multiple blogs and wish that I could update every single one of them all the time, but I can't.

That leads me right into the solution of this post. I think I'm going to end up combing at least two of those blogs, which would probably include this one. Right now, I am planning on combing this, my personal blog, and The Tech Blender, my technology focused blog.

"But how, Devon?" you're asking yourself, "a personal blog and a technology blog don't go together!" Well, before you get your pants in a bunch, let me explain. Since I started The Tech Blender back in February, 2010, I've been posting on and off but honestly, mostly off. It's hard for me to keep blogging on multiple different blogs. I also know that I will never make it big with The Tech Blender. I will never be hiring a staff, it will never be my full-time job. So why try to make it that?

I'm going to be turning this combined site into a personal blog about my life, my technology and everything that's going on around me. I'll be able to post anything without fear of it being out of the guidelines of the blog category.

So bear with me as I'm combining the sites, playing with templates and experimenting with different looks. Hopefully it will be done here soon.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 16: 9/13/2011 | Patch Tuesday

The second Tuesday of the September is upon us and you all know what that means. It's Patch Tuesday! If you're running Windows on any computer, there are updates available. Go and download them right now!

Now, for the non-techie readers in the audience, this is not the only day of them month that you should be updating your software. This is just the day that Microsoft comes out with all their big patches of the month. You should be updating your software anytime a new version is released. Especially big name software like Adobe products, browsers and things like Skype and MSN Messenger.

Ok, that was my general PSA for the day. I'm not really sure what happened to this post. I wasn't ready for it and I'm just not in the right mind to be writing I don't think. Nothing is really coming out the way I wanted it to. But I expected this to happen. I'm not going to be in the mood to write every single day for the rest of my life. I'm going to have days that just don't feel right, days that I don't know what to write about. Here's one. Refrigerator.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 15: 9/12/2011

Question: What are the important things in life? A couple of things today really made me think of how much I am enjoying my life and how great it actually is.

First, I started my new job at BrightPlanet. I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity to use my skills, learn new ones and further myself in my career. A career that I really love. Computers are something that have not been around for long but I am glad I've gotten into them. I'm glad that I like my career choice now and I feel good knowing that I'm going to enjoy the rest of my working life.

The second thing that I did was played some Dance Dance Revolution! I try to exercise to make myself a little healthier, and DDR is something that I enjoy doing. Hopefully I keep it up every once and a while.

Last but probably the most important. I love being reminded that someone else loves me so much, that I know I'm never going to be alone again. Katie makes me feel like I'm actually wanted and I just get butterflies anytime I think about her. But more importantly, this is how I know she's a keeper: She made me a rage comic!

I really do have the best girlfriend in the world! :'D

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 14: 9/11/2011

Two weeks. Fourteen days straight of writing on this blog (with the exception of one day I wrote the next morning because I completely spaced it...). But non-the-less, I'm proud of myself. I've stuck to it for two weeks and I plan on keeping it going. I have been doing some thinking though and I'm going to be switching this up a little bit to hopefully keep it more interesting for me and for everyone else.

As of right now, I've just been doing a recap of the day. I did this, then this, then I went here, then this happened. It's really boring. So instead of doing a recap, I'm going to pick one thing from the day and write a little bit more in-depth about that thing. Something I see, something I do, something I thought of or something that happens. I think this will be much more entertaining and helpful to everyone involved.

Some examples that I was thinking I could have used for the blog today: The fact that it's the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the season opener for the Vikings today that they lost..., going to the Humane Society today, something a little bit more important that I can talk about for a while. This also leaves the blog open to more than one post/important thing a day as long as I keep to the guideline of at least once a day.

So there you have it, the one thing I talked about today is the plan for the new way I'm going to utilize this blog and try to make myself better. Chances are it will be pretty easy to figure out tomorrow's topic, I start work at BrightPlanet tomorrow. That is also the reason I should get to bed....

Day 13: 9/10/2011

We had a fun, lazy day today. Katie, John and I woke up late and sat around the apartment for a while. Finally, we went out to the new BDubs with my sister Caity, for lunch. That place is pretty legit. They built the place right.

After lunch we came back to my place, John and I played Dead Island for a little bit. I finally figured it out and got it working on my computer.Then we had to make a run for ice cream for Katie so we went down to Peachwave and satisfied our hunger. We followed ice cream up with a quick trip down to the falls and a drive out to XTrux to say hi to my dad and Moose for a minute.

A quick trip to Hyvee for some corn on the cob for supper and we were set for the night. Corn, chislic, hot dogs and some drinks made for a great supper. Follow that up with a Ghost Adventures marathon and I truly feel like I succeeded with a lazy day.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 12: 9/9/2011

Another era in the life of Devon Schreiner has ended today. I am no longer an employee at the Minnehaha County Court House. Today was the last day of my internship. I learned a lot while I was there but it's time to move on.

In other news, Monday starts my new job at BrightPlanet as an IT Specialist. Even though I'm not really sure what to expect yet, I know that it is going to be a lot of fun and an amazing learning experience. But more on this on Monday after I go in for my first day.

Tonight after work, I came home, cleaned a little bit, washed my motorcycle and then Katie and John showed up for the weekend. We went to eat at Krav'n tonight. It was pretty good. I think the cotton candy was a little over the top though.

We made it home and ended up playing some Dance Dance Revolution. Sorry Caity! She's right below us in my apartment building. In other good DDR news, we unlocked one of my favorite songs from when I first bought the game, Kind Lady (Interlude). And with that, I'll leave you with a video of the song. Enjoy!