Monday, September 1, 2008


I'm sorry that I haven't written a blog in a while. I have been moving to college, working, and doing other random crap all over. I am actually in the middle of building the new websites for the radio station in Mitchell, Q107 and KORN. You check out the websites that will hopefully soon be replaced here. Q107 and KORN.

I actually just wanted to write this blog to let everyone reading know about some really cool things I've found.

Everyone should go and check out my new mini city.... It's pretty cool. For every one person that visits it, it adds one more to the population.

Check this out, answer a couple of vocab questions and help feed the hungry.

Also, I hope to get a new episode of Our Perspective recorded in the next week sometime. I am going to talk to Kevin and Andrew and see what we can get going.

Thanks for reading.