Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Perspective has risen from the dead!

Our Perspective has risen from the dead!

Thanks to all our many supporters.....We have just about as many as actually read my blog here. Thanks for that. But what I am mainly writing this blog about is the fact that me and Kevin tried it again. We just got done recording our first podcast of this year. It is going to be different than in the past, but it is for sure going to be sweet.

For all of the details the best place to go is probably to Twitter and search for OurPerspective. Another good place to try to get a hold of us would be the facebook fan page. Check those out or email us at Or, hopefully I will be getting a page up on my website for Our Perspective with hopefully an OP exclusive website coming soon too.

If you want to download OP to listen on the go, click here. To listen to it online go to my website here.


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