Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 7: 9/4/2011

Today was our last day in Minnesota. The family started out by going to church at the Church of our Lady of Victory in Fergus Falls. It was a nice service and not to far from my aunt and uncle's house where we were staying. We drove back to find a giant meal of scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, fruit and fried potatoes so we figured we should stay and eat some food.

Then we headed for home. Stopped in Watertown and got some Starbucks and my mom and I got into a big argument about who's frappuccinos were better, Starbucks' or McDonalds'. I'll give you one guess to who won :).

Then we made it to Sioux Falls where we went to eat at the Big Cheese. Pizza and beer always hits the spot. There I handed an old tablet off to my dad that I put Ubuntu onto. He's not very good with computers so we'll see how he does with Linux. Now I'm sitting at home relaxing. Looking forward to a day of seeing Katie and John and not much else tomorrow!

Also, if you want to see some pictures I took of my relative's game room, you can find them here. They are pretty ridiculous.

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